Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.
Pročitaj više...Početna | Pretraga | Nazad |
Kategorija: Istraživanja | ||
STUDIJA SLUČAJA -Opravdanost angažmana romskih medijatora i medijatorki u romskim zajednicama |
CASE STUDY -Justification on the engagement of Roma mediators in Roma communities |
One of the mechanisms used recently is the engagement of Roma mediators, who are a link between the Roma community and institutions. In order to determine the justification for the introduction of this mechanism as a "tool" for establishing a balance between the rights and obligations of an individual fro Roma community on one side and institutions on another side, this case study aims to determine attitudes and opinions of all relevant actors in this process. The case study is developed as a part of regional project "For active inclusion and rights of Roma women in western Balkan II" supported by Austrian development cooperation through CARE INTERNATIONAL Balkans. |
Kreirano Veličina Preuzimanja |
2018-07-31 685.4 KB 1.128 |
Analiza uticaja i potencijala programa i projekata iz oblasti zdravstvene zaštite u romskim zajednicama u Tuzli |
Uključenost romske djece u osnovnom obrazovanju u Tuzlanskom kantonu |
Svako dijete ima pravo na obrazovanje koje treba biti formulisano tako da kod svakog pojedinačnog djeteta razvije njegovu ili njenu ličnost, vještine, sposobnost za učenje i druge sposobnosti, ljudsko dostojanstvo, samopoštovanje i samopouzdanje. Zastupljenost romske djece u obrazovnom sistemu u Tuzlanskom kantona (TK) još uvijek nije sveobuhvatno. I pored niza preuzetih međunarodnih i domaćih standarda kojima se garantuje raspoloživost, dostupnost, prihvatljivost i prilagodljivost obrazovnog sistema za svu djecu, većina romske djece susreće se sa ozbiljnim problemima u pristupu i održivosti u osnovnom odgoju i obrazovanju. Siromaštvo, diskriminacija, nedovoljna pripremljenost za polazak u školu, nepoznavanje jezika, nedovoljna motiviranost roditelja za obrazovanje djece, naročito djevojčica, nefleksibilnost obrazovnog sistema prema potrebama romske djece, nedovoljna educiranost nastavnog kadra za rad sa romskom djecom, samo su neki od razloga na koje u ovom dokumentu ukazujemo, a koji utiču da veliki broj Roma/kinja ne upiše ili napusti osnovno obrazovanje. Zaključak dokumenta ukazuje da su pomaci u boljem pristupu obrazovanju mogući jedino kroz širu društvenu i koordinisanu intervenciju koja je usmjerena na uklanjanje postojećih sistemskih nedostataka i primjeni afirmativnih mjera inkluzivnoga tipa. |
Kreirano Veličina Preuzimanja |
2018-10-30 767.08 KB 1.249 |
Inclusion of Roma children in primary education of Tuzla Canton |
Every child has the right to education that should be formulated to develop their unique personality, skills, abilities to learn and other abilities, dignity, self-respect and confidence. Presence of Roma children in the education system of the Tuzla Canton (TC) is not comprehensive yet. Besides of several the international and domestic standards taken that guarantee availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability of the education system for all children, majority of the Roma children encounter with serious problems in the approach and sustainability in the primary education. Poverty, discrimination, inadequate preparation for school, not knowing the language, insufficient motivation of parents for their children’s education, especially girls, non-flexibility of the education system towards the needs of the Roma children, insufficient education of the teaching staff for work with the Roma children are only a few of the reasons to which we point in this document and which affect to a large number of the Roma population not to enrol or to leave primary education. The conclusion of the document points out that shifts towards better approach in education are possible only through wider and coordinated social intervention that is directed to removal of the existing deficiencies and application of affirmative inclusive measures. |
Kreirano Veličina Preuzimanja |
2018-10-30 756.3 KB 1.170 |
The document “The Position of Roma Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was created within the |
Kreirano Veličina Preuzimanja |
2019-10-09 453.69 KB 1.040 |